Friday, November 5, 2010


I can hardly wait until I get my implants! I have a health condition that causes my teeth to literally crumble from the outside in. Unfortunately the teeth have VERY strong roots making pulling them quite a challenge. Luckily I have an amazing dentist who provides, free of charge, nitrous oxide. YEA!!!! I've even asked if I could rent the room out by the hour for a good de-stressing nap. He'd make some real bucks if it were available to those of us who could use a good nap! Anyway, I added to my missing teeth by one. I'm now missing two molars and one little bottom front tooth. I'm having to cash out the little bit of retirement I have to pay for those expensive little chewers. Since the housing market crashed the house just isn't selling. On the plus side I now have 18 more Vicodin!!!
 Cheers & Toothless Smiles!!!

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